Resumes January 19, 2025!
In 1989, a small circle of committed neighbors who wanted to take on crime – and grime - came together to make a difference in the neighborhood they loved. Armed with true grit and good intentions, we targeted those spots in the neighborhood that everyone whispered about, but no one took steps toward fixing.
With weapons of hard-nosed determination and grassroots naiveté, we took on the problems of crime, gang activity, graffiti and litter. Before we knew it, we had a generous grant from the Council District to combat graffiti. Neighbors joined neighbors in cleanups and block watches, and a sense of community blossomed.
Our first newsletter was published as a 2 page single sheet, intended to inform our neighbors know who we are and what our goals are. In no time, our little newsletter grew to 4 pages, then 6. Community businesses bought advertising space to support our efforts.
We became the Non-Profit partner with the City of Los Angeles to manage the Sunset Triangle Plaza, the first People Street in the City. We oversee vendor partners, adjacent businesses, events, filming and regular maintenance. We also maintain areas around Silver Lake Boulevard, the 101 Freeway, and the Vendome Street median.
The SLIA has sponsored the Music Box Steps Day in Laurel and Hardy Park for 30 years, bringing the joy of the beloved Academy Award winning film ‘Music Box Steps’ by Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy to generations of Angelenos.
We hope you join us!
P O Box 291274 Los Angeles, CA 90029
Your support and contributions will enable us to help continue to improve Silver Lake.
The Silver Lake Improvement Association is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization.
Silver Lake Improvement Association
P O Box 291274 Los Angeles, CA 90029
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